director / producer / motion designer

Bad Roommates

Credit Karma Bad Roommates

Bad Roommates - Credit Karma

A bad roommate is the worst, but these bad roommates are so bad they inspire you to be better so you never have to see them ever again. We got a little silly here but at least we had a lot of fun creating these characters.


  • Company: Credit Karma

  • Copywriters: Tim Shay, Brian Bernbaum

  • Creative Director: Rus Chao, Beau Hanson

  • Head of Production: Peter Hootman

  • Sup. Sr. Producer: Slava Basovich

  • Production Company: Smuggler

  • Director: Benji Weinstein

  • VFX: Alt VFX

  • Edit: Cut+Run

  • Sound/Color/Finish: MFD